We win together

The project is focused on the potential in sports that mexicans with a disability have shown and how they have become winners and real world champions on their disciplines.
But, what happens with those mexican heroes with a disability that, despite all the problems and lack of support, go to an international competition and win gold medals for our country and when they return they face a daily life with discrimination and without opportunities.
That is just where the project pretends on working on the other side of the disability by breaking the walls that the society build and integrate the people by the use of sports as a space for coexistence between people without a disability and people with a disability.
The objetive is that the society understand disability and what it involves in order to find different ways to impulse the integration and prepare future key actors that will seek for a more equal world from their differents fields of work or study.
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Hola Carlos, muy bienvenida tu idea! A mí también me interesa entender mejor que tipo de actividades has imaginado para cumplir con tu misión, y además como has pensado en generar ingresos dentro de este modelo de emprendimiento. Saludos!
hace 9 años
Carlos, esta es una idea excelente. ¿Qué tipo de deporte te imaginas?. ¿Cómo preparar a los actores clave? ¿En qué campos de trabajo se llevaría esta integración? ¡Me gustaría saber más qué te imaginas!
hace 9 años

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